Ends on

All potential respondents should thoroughly read all of the provided information.

In accordance with the Cooperation Agreement between the BPDA and 566 Columbus LLC (the Proponent”, an affiliate of New Boston Ventures, LLC) executed on February 23, 2023, the approximately 4,800 square feet on the ground floor of the Project will be subdivided and conveyed by the Applicant to two (2) nonprofit organization(s) (the “Affordable Commercial Space”). One space consisting of 2,306 SF will be gifted to United South End Settlements (“USES”), who will use the space to continue community-based programming consisting of, but not limited to, an art gallery and community meeting space. The adjacent 2,491SF will be awarded through a request for proposals process facilitated by the BPDA. The Affordable Commercial Space shall be restricted by covenants requiring nonprofit ownership in perpetuity.

This RFI is not a formal procurement process to select a user for Affordable Cultural/Commercial Space; it is an informal solicitation to gauge interest from qualified users. Responses to this RFI shall assist the Owner, BPDA, and MOAC, in identifying qualified users for the Affordable Cultural/Commercial Space. Responding to this RFI is entirely voluntary. All responses to this RFI will be public record under the Commonwealth’s Public Records Law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 66 s. 10, regardless of confidentiality notices set forth in such responses to the contrary. 

The Owner, BPDA, and MOAC will review responses to the RFI and identify and invite select qualifying responses to submit supplemental information to inform the selection of an entity to occupy the space. However, the Owner, the BPDA, and MOAC reserve the right to select an Occupant at any time during the process.

The following is the proposed timetable for the selection process, which is subject to change as deemed necessary by the Owner, BPDA, and/or MOAC:

23 April          Issuance of RFI

30 April          Site Visit (2-3:30 PM)

17 May            Deadline for Responses (5PM)

20 May           Review of Submissions by the Owner, BPDA, and MOAC

24 May           Selection of Finalists and Request for Supplemental Information

07 June         Deadline for Submission of Supplemental Information (5PM)

11 June           Public Comment Period Opens

17 June          Virtual Public Presentations by the Finalists

30 June         Public Comment Period Closes (11:59 PM)

18 July           Recommendation of Occupant to the BPDA Board


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